Search Results
"World Shared Practice Forum - Current Understanding of Acute Lung Injury" with Dr. Arthur Slutsky
World Shared Practice Forum - Update on the Pediatric Index of Mortality by T. Slater, A. Olszewski
The Reality of Disclosure Conversations by R. Truog, D. Luff | OPENPediatrics
Pattern 1 - Acute lung Injury, Adverse Drug Reaction
116 – Patient controlled PEEP
Breathtaking Advances: A Better Life for Those with Lung Injury and Lung Cancer, Part 1
WSP - "Leading Toward Zero Harm" by Dr. Richard Brilli, MD, FAAP, MCCM for OPENPediatrics
Pediatric Grand Rounds 3-24-16
Pediatric Grand Rounds 1-14-16
The Legacy of Nobel Laureate Michael Smith (w/ Marco Marra, Michael Smith Genome Sciences Centre)
Industry Insider: CDC Exposed For Botched Vape Research